21-22 nov. 2018 Paris (France)


Wednesday November 21, 2018

9:00 Welcome

9:30 Introduction and overview.
P. Fraisse, LIRMM.

9:45 Autonomous Vehicles
- Aerial Robotics for Infrastructure Systems, Mirko Kovac, Imperial College, London, UK.
- Overview and new insights in Field Robotics, R. Lenain (IRSTEA), F. Ruffier (ISM), F. Plumet (ISIR).

10:45 Coffee Break

11:00 Innovative Design and Mecatronics
- Hard Challenges in Soft Robotics, Jamie Paik, Reconfigurable Robotics Lab (RRL) of Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Switzerland.
- Overview and new insights in Mechanical Design, P. Renaud (ICube), S. Caro (LS2N).

12:00 Humanoid robotics
- Multi-contact control and locomotion with torque controlled humanoids, Christian Ott, DLR, Germany.
- Overview and new insights in Humanoid robotics, V. Padois (ISIR), O. Stasse (LAAS).

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Robotics and Health
- Cyborgs for Rehabilitation and the Cybathlon, Robert Riener, ETH Zurich.
- Overview and new insights in Health and Robotics, B. Tamadazte (FEMTO-ST), N. Jarassé (ISIR).

15:00 Multiscale Manipulations
- Robotic Hands and Dexterous Manipulation, an Untackled Challenge for More Than 30 Years, Markus Grebenstein, DLR, Germany
- Overview and new insights in Multiscale Manipulations, J-P. Gazeau (Pprime), C. Clevy (FEMTO-ST).

16:00 Coffee Break

16:15 Learning and Robotics
- Davide Scaramuzza, Robotics and Perception, University of Zurich and ETHZ.
- Overview and new insights, C. Wolf (LIRIS), D. Filliat (ENSTA).

17:15 Avenir de la robotique, Bruno Bonnell,
Député LREM en charge d'une étude parlementaire sur la filière Robotique.

17:45 Actions structurantes pour la filière Robotique, P. Bidaud (DGE, ONERA).

18:00 End of the day

19:00 Buffet Dinner (on-site)

Thursday November 22, 2018

8:45 Welcome

9:00 Best Thesis Award
Award Ceremony, Jean-Pierre Merlet (INRIA), Philippe Fraisse (LIRMM), Philippe Martinet (INRIA).

9:45 Control Architecture for Robotics
- Verifiable Autonomous Systems, Michael Fisher, Department of Computer Science at the University of Liverpool, UK.
- Overview and new insights, J. Guiochet (LAAS), R. Passama (LIRMM).

10:45 Coffee Break

11:00 Robotics and Neurosciences
- Go to the bee and be wise: biomimetic robot control, James Marshall, University of Sheffield, Department of Computer Science, Complex Systems Modelling Group, UK.
- Overview and new insights, B. Girard (ISIR), A. Pitti (ETIS)

12:00 ROBOCUP 2020, D. Duhaut (Lab-STICC), O. Ly (LaBRI).

12:20 Robotex: overview and new insights, J.F. Kong, M. de Mathelin, ICube, Strasbourg.

12:45 Lunch

14:00 GdR Robotics Winter School: Robotics Principia, P. Martinet (INRIA), J.P. Merlet (INRIA).

14:30 Human Robot Interaction
- Interaction control in surgical robotics, Fanny Ficuciello, PRISMA-Lab, Napoli, Italy.
- Overview and new insights, M. Chetouani (ISIR), A. Cherubini (LIRMM)

15:30  (2RM) Research Engineer Network: Robotics and Mecatronics

- Vérification, validation et certification des applications embarquées : quid de la robotique ?, Bruno Patin, Dassault Aviation .

- Overview and new insights in 2RM, Gérald Dherbomez (CRIStAL). 

16:30 End of the Days.


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